Highly effective remedies for cough and cold in babies

Usually it found that infants suffers from cough and cold.They feels very much uncomfortable because of cold  and also unable to take sufficient milk and sleep.Because of insufficient sleep infant feels very irritating and obviously  mother do not get rest.Both mother and baby suffers a lot and feels very much restless.
With the help of breastfeeding we can solve the cold problem very easily.Lets see some very effective remedies for cough and cold.

For 0-6 month infants:

1) If mother take holy basil leves(Tulsi )and ginger tea and feed the baby ,it gives very good control on cough and cold because tulsi increase immunity and ginger is very effective for cough.Ginger melts cough and reduce cough production

2) After bath apply vekhand powder on baby's chest ,ear and forehead.

3) Regularly message baby from oil.

         In winter- sesame oil(Til ka tel ),Mustered oil(sarso ka tel)

        In summer - olive oil, coconut oil

4) Garlic is very helpful to control cold . Breastfeeding mother has to take garlic in her food like with vegetable or with pulses.

5) In a glass of milk add 1/4 teaspoon turmeric , 1/4 teaspoon  ginger , 1/2  teaspoon sitopladi churna ,boil it up to 10 min. Mother has to take it and breastfeed to baby.It also control cough and cold both.sitopladi churna increase immunity power.

6) Foment  baby's chest,ear and back from baby hot water bag.

7) Mother has to take a glass of milk boiled with dry dates and the breastfeed the baby.This dates milk destroy the cough and very good for baby's bones.

8)we can nebuliz baby.

9) mother can take 1/4 teaspoon turmeric , 1/2 teaspoon jyeshth madh powder(mulethi powder), 1/2 teaspoon sunth powder(dry ginger) with a glass of milk before breastfeed.It is very effective remedy for cough.

10) mother can take jyethmadh powder(mulethi powder) with shop after every meal.

Additional remedy for baby above 6 month:

For the cough and cold problem of infants above 6 month you can follow the following remedy.You can directly give it to baby.

ginger  juice-1/2 spoon + jyethmadh powder-1/2 spoon + Turmeric powder-1/2 spoon

( Sitopladi churna-1/2 spoon  + Vekhand powder-1/2 spoon  optional   )Honey-2 spoon

Add all the ingredients with honey.Give it small quantity to baby 3 to 4 times in a day. you can make it in the morning and use it in rest of the day.

vekhand powder is useful for throat infection and stomach infection.

ginger and jyethmadh powder(mulethi powder) is useful for cough .Ginger is useful for disation also.

sitopladi is useful for cold and immunity. (A pinch of Sitopaladi powder can given once a day will also prevent cough effectively.)


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