
Showing posts from July 24, 2016

how to wrap/swaddle in a cloth

Baby swaddling in proper way is very important. It becomes easy to handle our little ones especially for first few weeks after birth. When babies are inside womb they don't have much space to move, when they come out it suddenly changes. So, swaddling gives newborn that safe feeling of being in moms belly. New born babies love being wrapped specially during winter. Soft cotton square or diamond shaped cloth is ideal for wrapping. There are many ways to wrap a baby in a cloth but tight wrapping should be avoided, also wrap a baby in such a way that he/she feels comfortable in. I am sharing my way of wrapping cloth around baby, it worked for about a month till baby got strength to bring hands out as I never tied my LO very tight. Steps:    Lay a piece of cloth on bed in a flat manner as shown. Put baby's hands parallel to his/her body. Fold cloth around baby's left shoulder and pull it lightly. Tuck remaining triangular portion of cloth behind baby's

Easy tips for gas problem in babies

Most of the babies suffer from gastric problem during first few months after birth. Sometimes if not taken care at proper time infant keep crying for very long time which result in restlessness in little one (LO) as well as mother. For timely recovery of mother after delivery mom also requires good amount of rest therefore especially gastric problem has to be treated very carefully for the well being of infant and mother. Possible reasons :   Sometimes during first few days milk supply of mom is not enough to feed LO specially born by c - section. This result in empty stomach and give rise to this problem. Breastfeeding mom’s diet is also responsible for if diet contains tur dal, brinjal, masur dal, cabbage etc. If stomach is not getting emptied properly. If mom is taking a diet which is difficult to digest like too much dry fruits etc. Sudden change in brand of formula milk. While breastfeeding if latch is not proper with every suck

Why this blog?

                                                                                                                 Hindi Version Giving birth to a little is one of the most rewarding thing in life its a desire of every mother to be able to take proper care of the little one. But in modern times of nuclear families most of the new moms don't get any guidance from the elder ones, under such circumstances we turn towards internet for the help (other than medical emergencies). When my kid was very young especially first few wees after birth, every day there was something for which I had no solution but my internet research gave me quite an idea about behavioural pattern of young ones. Here I want to share all those experiences which made my life easy as a mom, hope it will help you too.  Most common problems Infant gas problem   Indian breastfeeding tips